No, of course not. My feelings toward religion are the same as they’ve always been: Believe what you want, worship how you want, as long as it doesn’t affect me.
Except, you Christians aren’t holding up your end of the bargain. Each and every year you try to pass more and more religiously-motivated laws. And they aren’t even actually based on religion, so much as misinterpretations of religion. You can’t show me a single verse in the Bible that states abortion is a sin. But you’ll happily vote for anti-abortion laws that ruin other people’s lives.
Every year. More laws against abortion. More laws against LGBT people. More laws against women. And then random laws that come out of nowhere, like requiring schools to post “In God We Trust” in schools.YOU broke the contract. I was perfectly happy with the old system, where everyone lived how they wanted, and we all just stayed out of each other’s way. But when Christians try to force non-Christians to live by their rules, that’s when they go over the line.
So yes, you certainly deserve to be told, “Your religion is illegal.” You certainly deserve to have your religious freedoms taken away. As much as you like to shout “I’m being persecuted! I’m being persecuted!” it’s never actually been true. At least, not in your lifetime. If there were any justice in this universe, you would find out what religious persecution actually means.
So no, even if I had the power to make religion illegal, I wouldn’t. As much as you deserve it, and you really do deserve it, that would still be hypocritical of me. Because I still believe in religious freedom. The freedom to follow whichever religion you want, and the freedom not to follow any of them.
But there is one thing I would do if I had unlimited power. I would make it illegal to pass any religious-based laws (you know, like it already says in the First Amendment), and any politician who even proposes a religion-based law would immediately be banned from holding office ever again.