I had to go through some old CDs to find this, but I'd saved this bit of text from the application. Note that the very top of the application claimed "We are an equal employment opportunity employer." The definition of "equal opportunity employer" (according to Merriam Webster) is "an employer who agrees not to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age."
The first few pages of the application asked the normal questions you would expect to see on an application. Then there was a section titled "Personal Information", which asked your religious denomination, and where you attend church. Finally, there was a section titled "Lifestyle Considerations" that had the following paragraphs:
Because of the unique and special nature of LifeWay Christian Resources, employees are expected to manifest conduct and actions which project an image consistent with the expressed purpose and mission of Lifeway. Southern Baptist churches have voluntarily given LifeWay a place of influence based upon the values of trust and respect. It is, therefore; imperative employees favorably represent LifeWay.
Conduct which brings embarrassment to LifeWay or impedes its credibility with constituents is unacceptable. Conduct or other actions inconsistent with that normally expected of Southern Baptist denominational employees is unacceptable. Similarly, conduct or other actions perceived as inconsistent are unacceptable. Examples of such conduct are involvement with alcohol, illegal drugs, pre-marital or extra-marital sex, cohabitation apart from the marriage relationship, homosexuality, and outside interests and pursuits which would normally be considered incompatible with LifeWay's mission.
LifeWay Christian Resources has not only the right, but also the responsibility to do everything possible to ensure the stated purpose and mission of LifeWay continues in its highest tradition and is not harmed or impeded by unacceptable behavior on the part of its employees.
Consistent with this purpose, LifeWay's policy is to ensure all applicant and employee behavior meets LifeWay's standards of acceptable conduct. As a part of this policy, and individual's current and past conduct is reviewed. Therefore, please respond accordingly to the inquiry below. A yes answer does not automatically disqualify you from further consideration for employment, as each individual's circumstances are reviewed.
Do you have, or have you had, any lifestyle, conduct, or activity which would project an image which could embarrass LifeWay or impede its credibility with its constituents as referred to above? (yes) (no) If yes,please explain:I don’t know if these are still their policies today. If they are, I wonder if they’re still so open about it.