My aunt and uncle recently went to hospital with COVID. My aunt is currently recovering, but my uncle has sadly passed on.
I didn't actually know my uncle very well. In fact, even calling him my uncle feels weird. I was already an adult when my aunt married him, and I've only met him a few times. But he seemed like a good guy, and my heart goes out to those who knew him.
My aunt and I don't see eye-to-eye on a great many things. I haven't fought with her directly, but we definitely have different ideals and beliefs. Just a few months ago she was posting on Facebook, talking about why she doesn't wear a mask when she goes out. And no, she did not get the vaccine.
I'm not going to bash her for her beliefs right now. This is not the time for "I told you so" or getting preachy about karma. I'm not going to spend this blog acting holier-than-thou. Not only would doing so be in bad taste, but also, I just don't want to.
Because I don't see my aunt as a villain, I see her as a victim. My ire isn't directed at her, but at a certain news program, a former president, and a political party that decided disease prevention was too big a strain on their freedom.
I grew up in a Republican household. I know how enticing their beliefs can be. Much like the Devil himself, Republicans can twist scripture until evil sounds holy. Once you're raised with that mindset, it can be difficult to break free.
As my aunt's condition improves, people keep responding to her status updates, praising God for her recovery. Her doctors and nurses haven't had a full night's sleep in over a year, but sure, give God all the credit. The same God who allowed her husband to succumb to the disease.
Back in the 80s, many Republicans declared that AIDS was sent by God to punish gay people. Now we have a disease that mostly kills Republicans. I wonder what they make of that.
Even though my uncle died of a preventable disease, and my aunt has gone through hell the past couple of weeks, I still have other family members who refuse to get vaccinated. Because they think the Fox News hosts know more about science than the people who have devoted their lives to studying medicine. Meanwhile an even more contagious variant is sweeping the country. To quote John Connor, "We're not gonna make it, are we?"
I probably shouldn't post blogs when I'm sad and angry, especially when family is involved. I don't want to type anything I'll regret later. So, to those of you who refused to wear a mask for political reasons, and who continue to avoid the vaccine... Today you get a free pass. I'll save my angry rants and insults for a later date. At least until my uncle is buried, and my aunt is out of the hospital.
But for the love of God, please get the vaccine.