Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dreams: Darkness and Free Guy

Nothing big here, but last night I had a dream that was dialogue only.  I can't remember ever having a dream like that.  All I remember is that I was driving a car, and having a conversation with the passenger.  But the dream had no "video" whatsoever.  It wasn't like I was driving at night, it was just a pitch black dream.  The characters in the dream seemed to be able to see just fine; I never acted like I couldn't see where I was driving.  

I think I know what caused it - It was early morning, and I had already woken up once because of the light coming around the sides of the window shade.  I fell back asleep telling myself to keep my eyes shut, so I think that somehow triggered the dark dream.  Anyway, I thought it was interesting.

A few nights ago I dreamed I went to see "Free Guy", except the plot was different.  It took place in the real world, and Ryan Reynolds played a gamer who discovered cheat codes that work in real life.  For example, at one point he was at the ATM, but his account balance was only about $10.  Then he pushed some bricks in a specific pattern on the wall behind the ATM, and suddenly he had another $1000 in his account.

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