Saturday, August 10, 2019

I Just Got It!

From "Star Trek Generations":
Data: (laughing) I get it! I get it! When you said "The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go!"
Geordi: Data, what are you talking about?
Data: During the Farpoint mission; we were on the bridge, you told a joke, that was the punchline!
Geordi: The Farpoint mission? Data, that was seven years ago.
Data: I know! I just got it! Very funny!
Anyway, I just got a joke a friend made 27 years ago.  I drew a lot of sci-fi comic books in high school.  In one issue, several of the characters go to an intergalactic carnival.  One of the rides was called "Bump -N- Hover".  When my friend Bryan got to that page, he started singing "Bump... and Hover" over and over in a sing-song voice.  Honestly I just thought he was making up a tune as he went along, and I laughed.

Today I was browsing YouTube and came across an old "Duck and Cover" PSA.  I immediately recognized the tune as the one Bryan had been singing.

The whole thing reminds me of an old comedian who compared his jokes to grenades.  You pull the pin, toss it to your audience, and wait for them to get it.  Sometimes they take longer to detonate.  In this case, decades.

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