Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Two Kinds Of People

When we discuss issues like tax-funded college tuition, there are two kinds of people.  Some people say "I suffered, but I don't want you to have to."   Others say "I suffered, so you should suffer, too."  The former are making the world a better place.  The latter are actively trying to make life harder.  

What if we applied the same logic to other progress?  "I suffered through polio, so why should today's kids get a vaccine?  And what's with cars?  Horseback was good enough for my ancestors, so it's good enough for today's entitled slobs."

But that's only a subset of the bigger problem.  Take any social justice issue.  Racism, economic disparity, gun crimes, whatever.  Again, you have two kinds of people: "Life is hard, so let's work to make the world a better place" people, and "Life is hard, so suck it up, buttercup" people.  Again, the former are trying to improve things for everyone.  The latter are simply assholes.


Their opinions don't matter.  They are not worthy of our respect.  The world is a worse place because they are in it.  

Don't be like them.  I'm not saying you have to devote your life to charity.  Just don't be one of those people who throws up their hands and says "The world sucks, but whaddayagonna do?" while supporting the very politicians who are making the world suck.

Life is hard.  But it doesn't have to be this hard.  Sometimes the world does suck.  But it doesn't have to suck this much.  It's impossible to fix everything.  But that doesn't mean we can't fix anything.

If you can't be the visionary, at least don't be the obstacle.

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