Saturday, September 26, 2020

COVID Dreams

I haven't had a lot of dreams that take place in the current pandemic.  I think one time dreamed that I went to the mall and realized I'd forgotten my mask.  It was very similar to a "in public in your underwear" kind of dream.  But other than that, I don't remember any dreams directly referencing COVID-19.

But I have been having more zombie dreams than usual.  Now, my zombie dreams usually aren't particularly scary, because they tend to trigger lucid dreaming for me.  I think that the existence of zombies breaks my suspension of disbelief just enough to where I know it isn't really happening.

When I have lucid dreams, I don't walk around saying, "This is my dream, I can do whatever I want" a la Nightmare on Elm Street 3.  It's more like I see myself in two places at once - the dream participant, and the writer narrating the story.  So if a zombie bites me, I'm like, "No, let's not have it happen that way, rewind and dodge this time."

I want to say that more of my dreams have been taking place indoors lately, but I think I've always had mostly had indoor dreams.  I really can't think of a lot of dreams that took place outdoors.  But lately, when I look out the window in my dreams, it looks like a nuclear winter.  It might be a warm day, but either snow or ash is falling from the sky, and the sky itself is an odd color.  Also, the streets are usually empty, unless it's a zombie dream.

I never live in the house I currently live in.  In fact, I don't remember ever dreaming about this house.  Sometimes I live in a shopping mall.  Last night I had one such dream.  My "home" was a converted movie theater inside a mall.  The lobby was our living room, and each of the theaters had its own purpose.  We had a lot of guests over, all sleeping in one of the theaters, where we had put a bunch of beds.  The guests were all people I knew from high school, most of whom I don't really like any more, but I kept my tongue and remained polite.  

I don't really have a point here, I just thought it was interesting.  I wonder how long the pandemic would have to continue before my subconscious mind recognizes it as the new normal.  

Friday, September 25, 2020

Try or Try Not, There Is No Do

I heard a neat theory the other day.  Why does Yoda use such backwards syntax?  Because he's old.  Well, duh, everybody who gets that old is going to have a hard time speaking correctly.  But Yoda speaks that way because he's older than the current version of language.  In other words, he's speaking correctly, but the language has evolved around him.

William Shakespeare lived about 450 years ago.  That's only half of Yoda's age in the original trilogy, and yet look how much language has changed since Shakespeare's time.  If Shakespeare showed up today and started talking to a redneck farmboy from Tatooine, they'd probably understand each other eventually, but not without some difficulty.

But that's not what I came here to talk about.  You know what grinds my gears today?  One of Yoda's most repeated aphorisms:  "Do or do not, there is no try."

Look, I get it.  Don't allow for failure.  If you visualize success strongly enough, you will succeed.  Put failure out of your mind, those thoughts can poison your chances of success.

But that's a pile of bullsith.  There is no appreciable definition of "do" that doesn't include trying first.  Trying is the act of doing.  Until the doing is done, you are trying.  If you don't try, you just sit there.  "There is no try" leads to "there is no do."  When Yoda said his famous line, Luke should have answered, "Fine, guess I'll go home now."

Plus, that line of thinking leads to people not having backup plans.  If you're so sure you can't fail, why bother taking safety precautions?  Why wear a seatbelt?  Why buy car insurance?  You're not going to wreck, Yoda said so.  All you have to do is do, not try, and you'll never wreck.

Plus, I'm not sure it's good psychologically to rule out the possibility of failure.  I mean, sure it's good for people to give everything their all, to not take no for an answer, to push ahead until they succeed.  It's good, that is, until they actually do fail.  Some people aren't mentally prepared for that.  If they spent a little time deciding how they'll handle failure, then they might not be as devastated when it happens.

And should we really be taking this advice from a guy who fled the senate to go brood in a swamp for twenty years?  He's had two decades to mount a counter offensive.  We've seen how powerful Jedi can be, and we've been told that Yoda is one of the most powerful.  If Galen Marek can pull a Star Destroyer out of the sky, why can't Yoda toss them at the Death Star like paper airplanes?

But no, he failed once, couldn't accept it, and went into seclusion.  Not exactly the role model for chasing your dreams.  

Geez, what a muppet.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

An Almost Cogent Argument For Trump

So for four years I've been asking questions like, "How can anyone rationally vote for Trump?  How can anyone be that stupid, that racist, that short sighted?  How can anyone call themselves a Christian and vote Republican?"

Most of my Republican friends have been conspicuously silent these past four years.  They'll post a pro-Trump thing whenever he does something that directly benefits them, like a tax cut or whatever.  But otherwise they've been relatively quiet.  

I finally found something written by someone who sounds somewhat rational.  This has been going around Facebook.  I don't know who the author is, and I don't care enough to find out.  This is a little long, and therefore I'm not going to reply to every point, but at least I now have a glimpse into the mind of the average, not-necessarily-stupid Trump voter.

This was forwarded to me from a friend today, I take no credit for this other than sharing it.

“If you are a liberal who can’t stand Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, let me fill you in. It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much. It’s that we can’t stand you. And we will do whatever it takes — even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable, narcissist (your words not ours) to the office of President of the United States — because the thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is YOU.

How is that possible you might ask? Well, you have done everything in your power to destroy our country. From tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders. From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to anything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere), while demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying abortion, violence, and thug culture. From calling us racists every time we expect everyone of any skin color to follow our laws equally to gaslighting us about 52 genders, polyamory, grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalize the sexualization of young children, you simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror of horrors) don a MAGA hat in public.

So much for your “tolerance.” (See why we think you are just hypocrites??) We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 250 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government should be abolished because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control. That free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing. That spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and peoples livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm.

This is your agenda. And you wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump? Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures. But you won’t do that, you will never do that, because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid!

This is why we will vote for Donald Trump. Not because he is the most charming character on the block. Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office. Not because he is the most palatable choice, or because we love his moral character or because the man never lies, but because we are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.

Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional liberal “leadership”(?) has literally destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done it’s damndest to rip faith out of people’s lives. However bad Donald Trump may be, and he is far from perfect, every day we look at you and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than you people are. We are sick to death of your stupid, destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behavior and beliefs — parading as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy and B.S. We are fed up with your disrespectful divisiveness and constant unrelenting harping and whining and complaining (while you live in the most privileged nation in the world), while making literally zero contributions of anything positive to our society. Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up.

Think about that as there is something fundamentally very wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi. When Donald J Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame yourselves. Because you are the ones that are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created this "monster" that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect your fellow Americans, and the things that are important to us. You have made fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked our faith and our religion.

You have mocked our values and our patriotism. You have trampled our flag and insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt and hatred. You have made environmentalism your religion, while trashing every city you have taken responsibility for. You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in literal sh!t and garbage and needles and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies are creating. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy to institute this plan when you can’t even clean up a single city??

You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them. We’ve had enough. We are tired of quietly sitting by and being the “silent” majority. So don’t be surprised when the day comes when we finally respond. And trust me it’s coming, sooner than you might think. And also trust me when I say it won’t be pretty. Get ready. When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for and you have zero respect for.

When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because we are sick of your complete and utter nonsense and destruction. How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than Donald J. Trump, the man you consider to be the anti-Christ? Let that sink in. 

We consider you to be more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump. Maybe allow yourself a few seconds of self-reflection to let that sink in. This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. This is about Donald Trump vs YOU. So if on the morning of November 4 (or more likely January 19, by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on the mail-in ballot fiasco that we are headed towards), and Donald J. Trump is reelected? The only people you have to blame is the left-wing media drones and yourselves. You did this. Yep you.”

So... first off, let me get this out of the way:  What a fucking wimp.  Under total Republican rule, immigrants are put in cages, people are dying because they can't afford healthcare, women can be forced to give birth to their rapists' children, one religion's sermons can be made into law, and all manner of totalitarian fiats.  But this guy is afraid he might have to use "They/Them" pronouns or have to recycle an aluminum can someday.  Wah wah wah, his penis is going to dry up and shrivel off over this inconvenience.  

Some specifics:

"From tearing down the police..."

See, this is why you should research your opponents before berating them.  There are a lot of different takes on what should be done with the police, but hardly anyone believes they should be eliminated completely.  Most of us just think the police need to be restructured.  They need diversity training, they need more accountability for their mistakes, they need more options for non lethal weapons, and they need to only be called for situations where police are appropriate.

Yes, there are a few people calling for absolute removal of all police systems, but those aren't Liberals, those are anarchists.  Most of us just want the right people to come when you call 911.  If it's a job more suited for a mental health professional, for example, then they should be sent instead of the police.  This is actually good for the police, because it keeps them from being thrust into situations they were never trained for.

Many different plans have been discussed.  Not a single one of them involves letting criminals run free.  Rest assured, when you hear someone in your house in the middle of the night, and you call 911, someone will still come save you.

Though that's kind of a funny thing for Republicans to be afraid of.  Whatever happened to, "In this home we don't call 911, we just shewt 'em ourselves!"

" tearing down our history..."

Anyone who thinks tearing down statues eliminates history is probably too stupid to learn much from this blog.  Bottom line: books educate, statues honor.  There is no reason to keep honoring history's greatest monsters, when we can learn all about them from history books.  There are very few statues of Hitler in the world (they're not allowed in Germany), and yet WWII is the most well known event in history.

We aren't trying to eliminate history, we are trying to portray history more accurately.  We're trying to acknowledge the mistakes we've made in the past, and to honor the people who actually deserved it.

" tearing down our borders."

This hypocrisy always strikes me as funny.  It doesn't matter how many generations ago your family came to America, the time to limit immigration is always now.  And so many Republicans threaten to leave the country whenever a Democrat is elected.  Why is it okay for those countries to accept you, but not okay when America accepts desperate refugees from other countries?

"From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to anything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere..."

The aspects of socialism that Liberals want to adopt are so far removed from actual socialism, that they shouldn't even use the same word.  And the parts Liberals want (like tax-funded health care) are actually a huge success in many other countries.

"...while demonizing religion and faith..."

Separating church and state isn't the same thing as demonizing religion.  All we want is the freedom from having to live under the rules of someone else's religion.  Conservatives would be just as up in arms if we passed a law that required all Americans to eat kosher.

"...and glorifying abortion..."

I'm probably long overdue for a blog on abortion.  Look, I don't know when life begins.  My best estimate would be 25 weeks, which is well after most abortions happen.  It's at 25 weeks that real brain activity is said to occur.  If we're willing to pull the plug on dying people due to lack of brain activity, then maybe that same benchmark should be used for when life begins.

The Bible doesn't help much either.  The closest it comes to declaring when life begins is a verse that implies that you become alive when you take your first breath of air with your lungs.  Some early Hebrew texts define the punishment for causing a miscarriage, and it was just a fine, not a murder charge.  So where ever you're getting the idea that abortion is anti-Christian, it sure ain't the Bible.

But what I do know is that a fetus represents a potential life.  I will absolutely give priority to people who have experienced life, and worked to be where they are, over a mass of cells that doesn't even know it's alive yet.  

If a fetus is loved - that is, the parents plan on bringing it to term and are already thinking of baby names - then it is a tragedy if that fetus is lost.  But, I'm sorry, a fetus without a future is just a biological process.  Maybe it can feel pain if it's that far along, but pain isn't suffering.  You have to be sentient before you can experience suffering.

We eat animals that have higher reasoning abilities than a fetus.  We swat insects that are capable of building complex tunnels, and exterminate rats that can remember mazes.  The fact that cells have human DNA should not give it higher priority.

Want a more religious argument?  Fine.  If God knows everything, then he knows which children are going to get aborted.  Therefore, he probably doesn't waste his time stuffing souls into those fetuses.  Without a soul, it's just tissue.  And if you do think God is stupid enough to put souls into fetuses with no future, then guess what?  You just called God stupid, you blasphemer.  Enjoy Hell.  Yes it's a silly argument, but from my point of view it's no sillier than most actual religious arguments.

But more seriously, unwanted pregnancies cause massive pain to the living.  Pregnancy can change a woman's body forever, and some women do still die in childbirth.  Poverty-stricken mothers end up with more mouths to feed, leading to hunger and rising crime rates.  It's strange how much Conservatives hate the poor, but don't seem to mind making more of them.

So don't even think about maintaining the "it's just nine months of inconvenience" mindset.  Anybody who thinks that way is a misogynistic piece of shit, and their opinions simply don't matter.

One more thing on abortion - it's a useful political pawn for Republicans.  They know that it's the most important issue to many of their voters.  An awful lot of people - and I do mean "awful" - would vote for absolutely anyone who promises to cut down abortions.  Republican politicians love that, because they can say all kinds of nasty things and still get elected.  If you're one of these so-called "Pro-Life" single-issue voters, always remember - you're being used.  You are a pawn, and they are using that belief to manipulate you.

"...violence, and thug culture."

I assume this is referring to the protests and riots?  The vast majority of protests have been peaceful, it's just the more violent ones that make the news.  And of those that got violent, a lot of the violence was started by anti-protestors.  But that said, the violence is inevitable.  There's only so long you can prod someone with a stick before they fight back.

The average white person has no idea what life is like in America for people who aren't white.  For some, it's like living in a completely different country.  Now and then they try to bring it to our attention, and all we do is dismiss their problems.  They try to protest by kneeling, but white people call it disrespectful.  Black people ask us to stop building monuments to racists, and white people respond by putting up even more confederate flags.

I'm not saying the riots are right, I'm saying they're inevitable.  You've given them no other way to make their case heard.

"From calling us racists every time we expect everyone of any skin color to follow our laws equally..."

Breonna Taylor was fucking ASLEEP you piece of shit!  What crime do you think she committed?  What, do you think she was dreaming about robbing a liquor store?  If that had been a white person, you'd actually care.  That's why we call you racist, it's because you're racist.

Of course we think everyone should follow laws equally.  But the courts have a history of convicting black people more often than white people for the same crimes.  Police seem to be a lot more trigger happy against black perps.  It's Republicans who seem to want different laws for white people.

" gaslighting us about 52 genders..."

Now you're just being silly.  Gender (at least in this sense of the word) is said to be a social construct.  Therefore, there are as many genders as society defines.  Just because you don't like them doesn't make them fiction.


What's your problem with polyamory?  I'm not into it, but as long as everyone involved is adult, consenting, and fully aware of the arrangement, I don't see a problem with it.  Again, you're wanting everyone to live by your religion's rules.

"...grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls..."

*sigh*  I'm not going to bother with this one, I've covered the topic more than enough in the past.  But this would be a gross oversimplification even if it wasn't blatantly transphobic.

"...and normalize the sexualization of young children..."

I'm not even sure what he's referring to here.  In my experience, Liberals are way harsher on underage sexual exploitation than Conservatives.  Unless he's talking about transgender children, in which case he's mixing up sex and gender.

" simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a 'Merry Christmas' or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem..."

Most of us are perfectly happy with you doing all of those things.  We're just not happy being forced to participate.  Say Merry Christmas all you want, just don't pitch a fit if I reply with "Happy Holidays."  Hang a flag all year long if you want, as long as it's not the Confederate flag.  And of course you can stand for the national anthem, as long as you don't complain about those who choose not to.

That's the problem I have with Conservatives - they view all non-participation as aggression.  Somehow it infringes on their rights if I choose not to stand for the anthem.  Seriously they think they're oppressed if they're not allowed to oppress others.

"...or (horror of horrors) don a MAGA hat in public."

Wear it all you want!  It makes you look like an idiot, and I will make harsh judgements about you, your parentage, and the size of your genitals.  But I will defend to my death your right to wear it.

"So much for your 'tolerance.' (See why we think you are just hypocrites??)"

Read "The Paradox of Tolerance" and get back to me.

"We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 250 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government should be abolished because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control."

I don't have a lot to say about gun control.  Personally I'm not a fan of guns.  Guns give you the power to point at another person and instantly end their life.  The average human being can't even navigate a four-way stop, they don't need the power to point and kill.  But realistically, I think America is too far along to even consider revoking that privilege now.  

That said, hardly any actual Democrats want to take away the Second Amendment.  Republicans love to accuse Democrats of wanting to take everyone's guns away, but it's just a scare tactic.  It's true that Democrats would like to make it harder to get a gun, in order to keep them out of the hands of mass murderers.  

But the laws they suggest wouldn't affect the average person.  Maybe it takes a little longer to buy your next gun.  Maybe you have to fill out some extra paperwork or wait a couple of weeks... so?  You still get to have your guns, and maybe, just maybe, we have fewer school shootings.  Why does that scare you so much?

"That free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing."

Exactly what is it you want to say, that you're afraid would have repercussions?  Nobody is saying it should be illegal to use racial slurs.  But if you do decide to use racial slurs in public, of course you're going to get shamed for it.  Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.  

If there's really something you want to say, but you're afraid doing so would get you branded a racist... maybe you should examine your beliefs.  Are you sure you're not racist?  

And doxing is never cool, no matter who is doing it, unless we're talking about exposing a criminal to save lives.  But in my experience, Liberals get doxed more often than Conservatives, so I'm not sure what this guy is so afraid of.  Feminist gamers were doxed for years and this guy probably never cared.  It wasn't until people started doxing Nazis that it made this guy's radar.  Defending Nazis isn't American.

"That spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and peoples livelihoods without repercussions."

Is this about riots again?  Anyway, the hate on nose-rings and tattoos is pretty indicative of what kind of person the writer is.  Fashions change.  If someone from the 1800s saw the jeans and T-shirt you're wearing today, they'd probably think you were underdressed.  A hundred years from now, tattoos might be the norm, and you'll be considered naked without one.

My point is, don't judge people by appearance.  That sort of judgement goes both ways, and after writing this, you have way more to be ashamed of.

"That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm."

Nobody wants chaos or lawlessness.  We would appreciate laws that more accurately reflect what people actually want, instead of laws based on racism and scripture.  We respect authority when that authority deserves respect.  I'll respect your badge as long as you're not using it to shoot innocent people.

"Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures."

In other words, you're denying the existence of white privilege?  That takes a butt load of ignorance.  

"But you won’t do that, you will never do that, because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid!"

This guy probably claims he's not racist, but he's perfectly happy claiming that black people don't think for themselves.

"...but because we are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country."

What you and I call destructive are at opposite ends of the spectrum.  And I get the feeling "relatively safe" means "safe for the author."  As long as you're white, male, straight, and cisgender, then sure, this country is relatively safe.

"Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up."

There are a lot of things we want to build up, if we ever have the power to do so.  But there are a lot of things that need to be torn down first.  You can't just throw a fresh coat of paint on a moldy, rotting structure.

"Think about that as there is something fundamentally very wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi."

Here's the thing about white oppression.  Anything that threatens to take away white power is seen as oppressive.  But Liberals aren't trying to take away white power, they're just trying to make sure everyone has the same power.

Liberals want to create the future that Conservative claim we already have.  We want a future where anyone can grow up to be president.  We want a future where if you work hard enough, you can achieve your dreams.  We want a future where no one has to die because they couldn't afford food or medicine. 

Conservatives like to claim that everyone has the same opportunities in life, so if you're not rich, you're not working hard enough.  But that's simply not true.  The hardest working people I've ever known were also the poorest.  

So yes, we do choose some level of destruction.  We are trying to destroy a glass ceiling that privileged people claim doesn't exist.  But that doesn't mean we want to leave worthless rubble in its it's wake.  We're tearing down to build up.  You're tearing down because everything we build is seen as a threat to your power.

"You have made fun of the 'fly-over states,' the people who 'cling to their guns and religion,' the middle class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call 'yahoos' and 'deplorables.' You have mocked our faith and our religion."

Yes, everyone gets mocked.  It doesn't matter which side you're on.  Some ideas should be mocked.  I'm guilty of it, you're guilty of it.  Stop acting like Liberals are the only ones who mock their opponents.  You should see the insults that get hurled at me on Twitter.

"You have made environmentalism your religion..."

I wish this was true.  Environmentalism has more potential for saving the world than religion ever has.  If there is a god, then everything's going to go according to his plan regardless of what we do.  But if there's no god, then this Earth is all we've got.  And we're not treating it well.  We are actively killing future generations because we don't feel like making minor changes.  

That's the crux of what bothers me:  He doesn't believe in the science of climate change, or the psychology of gender dysphoria, or the sociology of racial inequality.  He feels that his layman's opinions outweigh the facts proven by professionals who have devoted their lives to studying these subjects.  But he still votes based on those opinions.  Based on his feelings.  And those votes have consequences.  Those votes change the world.

If I don't believe in your god, you still get to go to Heaven.  If you don't believe in climate change, your ignorance dooms us all.

"You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere."

That's because people like you keep standing in our way.  This is the hilarious part.  He's blaming us for not being successful in overcoming his power.  Well, which is it you want?  Are you mad at us for wanting a higher minimum wage, or are you mad at us for not defeating you to accomplish it?

"We are tired of quietly sitting by and being the 'silent' majority."

Right, silent.  I'll concede that this is another one that cuts both ways.  Everyone wishes the other side would shut up.  Everyone thinks they're the silent one, and that their opponents are the loudmouths.  

"How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than Donald J. Trump, the man you consider to be the anti-Christ? Let that sink in."

Let's be realistic, it's not half by a long shot.  He lost the popular vote, and roughly half of the country's eligible voters stayed home.  

"We consider you to be more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump."

And you're wrong, case closed.  

Monday, September 14, 2020

Another Dream

Last night I dreamed I was at a movie theater, which was in the same building as an aquatic research lab.  Sir Patrick Stewart was in the theater, sitting in a wheeled office chair he had stolen from the theater's manager.  As long as he was sitting in the chair, he was allowed to go theater hopping, which he did gleefully.  So as soon as one movie ended, he would roll the office chair to another theater, pushing himself backwards and looking pretty silly.  He offered to sneak me into some movies.

I saw two movies.  The first was a new MCU Spider-Man movie.  I don't remember much, except that the Green Goblin was the main villain.  The future of MCU Spidey was in question, so they killed off Peter Parker in a vague way.  At the end of the movie, after Spidey defeated Goblin, a cleanup crew starting picking up debris.  Spidey saw a sanitation worker in the distance, picking up one of Goblin's discarded bombs.

A light on the bomb started flashing repeatedly, but the worker just stared at it, confused.  Spidey shot a web to pull the bomb out of the worker's hand, bringing it to himself.  But he didn't have time to throw it before it exploded, and Spidey was apparently disintegrated by the explosion.  It ended with everyone looking on in horror.  

But then there was a post credits scene, where somebody was analyzing a video of the explosion.  Slowing it down frame by frame, they saw Spidey disappear right before the explosion engulfed him, like he was being pulled into another dimension.  This set up all sorts of possibilities for whichever studio made the next Spider-Man movie.  Maybe it would be a live action Spider-Verse film, or maybe Miles Morales and/or Gwen Stacey would take over the mantle in this universe. 

After that movie ended, I watched a new Hotel Transylvania sequel.  I wasn't really interested, but hey, it was free.  This one focused on the child (Dracula's grandson).  He was a couple of years older now, and being bullied for being the only monster in a human elementary school.  

I didn't get to see much of it because my cat Kara was there.  She kept sneaking in to the aqua lab next door, and bringing me exotic fish.  I kept having to get up, sneak into the lab myself, and throw the fish back into the tank.  I wanted to complain to the marine biologists about not having proper security, but I couldn't tell anyone without getting myself in trouble.  Finally Kara brought me a cyclopian-eyed goblin shark, and it was so disturbing looking that I woke up.