I haven't had a lot of dreams that take place in the current pandemic. I think one time dreamed that I went to the mall and realized I'd forgotten my mask. It was very similar to a "in public in your underwear" kind of dream. But other than that, I don't remember any dreams directly referencing COVID-19.
But I have been having more zombie dreams than usual. Now, my zombie dreams usually aren't particularly scary, because they tend to trigger lucid dreaming for me. I think that the existence of zombies breaks my suspension of disbelief just enough to where I know it isn't really happening.
When I have lucid dreams, I don't walk around saying, "This is my dream, I can do whatever I want" a la Nightmare on Elm Street 3. It's more like I see myself in two places at once - the dream participant, and the writer narrating the story. So if a zombie bites me, I'm like, "No, let's not have it happen that way, rewind and dodge this time."
I want to say that more of my dreams have been taking place indoors lately, but I think I've always had mostly had indoor dreams. I really can't think of a lot of dreams that took place outdoors. But lately, when I look out the window in my dreams, it looks like a nuclear winter. It might be a warm day, but either snow or ash is falling from the sky, and the sky itself is an odd color. Also, the streets are usually empty, unless it's a zombie dream.
I never live in the house I currently live in. In fact, I don't remember ever dreaming about this house. Sometimes I live in a shopping mall. Last night I had one such dream. My "home" was a converted movie theater inside a mall. The lobby was our living room, and each of the theaters had its own purpose. We had a lot of guests over, all sleeping in one of the theaters, where we had put a bunch of beds. The guests were all people I knew from high school, most of whom I don't really like any more, but I kept my tongue and remained polite.
I don't really have a point here, I just thought it was interesting. I wonder how long the pandemic would have to continue before my subconscious mind recognizes it as the new normal.
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