Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Study: 400k Lives Might Have Been Saved


U.S. COVID Response Could Have Avoided Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths

In short, research indicates that nearly 400k deaths might have been avoided if someone sane had been in charge during the earlier days of the pandemic.  And for those too heartless to care about the lives, it also would have been less expensive for our country.

I get no pleasure from saying "I told you so."  Hell, I wish to god I'd been wrong about Trump.  I would wear a MAGA hat in my Facebook profile if it would bring back those 400k lives.

Again, if you voted for Trump in 2016, I blame you.  I'm not saying this to hurt you (though I do hope it hurts), I'm saying this so you won't do it again when the next obviously unhinged political candidate tries to run on a platform of xenophobia.  

Your decision to vote for that racist, misogynistic monster led to the deaths of 400 thousand human beings.  You helped bring this about.  You have killed.  You are a mass murderer.  

Don't say, "I couldn't have known," because we warned you at the time.  No, we didn't know about the upcoming pandemic, but we did warn you that Trump wasn't mature enough to handle any potential crisis that might come along.  We warned you, you ignored us, and now you're a murderer.

But no, some of you are going to read this, and shrug it off.  You're going to say the study is flawed, even though you haven't read it.  You're going to rationalize that Clinton would have somehow been worse.  Maybe you're actually that irrational, or maybe you've brainwashed yourself because it's the only way you can sleep at night.  

If you're that far gone, then there's nothing I could ever say that would convince you, and I'd appreciate it if you'd just stop reading my blog.  There is nothing for you here.  You will not learn, you will not grow.  Go stagnate somewhere else, you worthless piece of subhuman garbage.  You are no longer welcome here.

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