The US has a two party system. We'd like to think that isn't true, that anyone has a chance of winning the election, but the truth is that most people are afraid to vote third party. Until we change the way voting works, most elections will come down to Democrat or Republican.
The primary goal of Democrats is to change the world for the better. They're not always right. Their ideas won't always work. But the point is, they try. You miss every shot you don't take, and at least the Democrats are taking shots.
Republicans want to keep things as stagnant as possible, as long as that means they stay in power. Moving forward is scary, moving backward feels safe. They think that helping others means there will be fewer resources for themselves. Which is logical, except that they want to hoard more resources than they could ever use themselves, rather than give any to someone they don't feel earned it.
None of this is surprising. The world pretty much always comes down to altruism vs. greed, and politics are no exception. The part that makes me angry is that Republicans like to call themselves the party of Christianity, despite having ideals that are diametrically opposed to what Jesus believed.
Democrats want everyone to have access to food, healthcare, and a place to sleep. Republicans liken these needs to trophies, as in "Democrats think everybody should gets a participation trophy." I don't know how to explain to you the difference between being allowed to survive, and a cheap reward that sits on your mantel. If you're really that fucking stupid, I can't help you, but you have to at least recognize that Jesus would think you're an asshole.
Democrats want fewer mass shootings. Shootings scare Republicans, but only because they know it will spark more talk of gun control. A Democrat's first reaction to a school shooting is, "Oh no, those poor children." A Republican's first reaction is, "Oh no, my poor guns." Fucking monsters. What would Jesus do? Not this.
Democrats believe in science. Republicans refuse to believe in a pandemic even when their own grandparents die from it. I have trouble believing that Jesus would be okay with the Republican attitude of, "It's okay, the virus only kills old people."
Democrats want to offer citizenship to people fleeing life-threatening situations in their home countries. Republicans claim there isn't room, when what they really mean is that there isn't room for brown-skinned people. This might be a good time to remind you that Jesus wasn't Caucasian.
Democrats want cops to stop shooting innocent people. Republicans would happily give cops "judge, jury, and executioner" status as long as it only applied to black people. "If they would follow the law, this wouldn't happen," they say (while breaking the law themselves by ignoring the mask mandate), completely ignoring how many of these executions were a response to no crime whatsoever. I wonder how Jesus - a man who was literally crucified for telling people they should be nice to each other - would react to these executions.
Jesus believed in loving everyone, even if they're different from you. A Republican's love is conditional. Love thy neighbor, unless they're gay, transgender, foreign, or worship a different god.
Yes, I'm angry. Yes, I'm insulting Republicans again. And Christians. I know you can't insult people into agreeing with you. But the people angering me aren't going to change their minds no matter what I say, so I might as well blow off some steam.
I'm absolutely sick of Republicans doing anything and everything to persecute those who are already downtrodden, and then calling it Christianity. I turn on the news this month, and all the Republicans are doing lately is attacking transgender people, defending racist cops, and trying to keep minorities from voting. You seriously call this Christianity?
Before you tell me "most Christians aren't like that" - Great! Prove me wrong! But don't whine to me, whine at all those fake Christians! They're the ones making you look bad, don't you want them to stop? By doing nothing, you're complicit in the damage they're doing to your religion's reputation. Get off your ass and correct them.
When you see a Republican candidate doing something obviously anti-Christian, call them out on it. Write letters to your senator. Protest. At the very least, don't vote for them. This "I know he's a monster, but at least he's not a Democrat" attitude has to stop. Research the other side (Fox News doesn't count as research) and stop electing monsters.
If you don't at least try to talk some sense into your compatriots, then I'm going to assume you believe the same things they do. Voting for bigots means you're a bigot. I don't care if you voted for him because you liked his tax plan or whatever, you still voted for the guy who ran on a platform of bigotry.
You can be a Republican or a Christian, but you can't be both. The very concept of a "Christian Republican" is laughable.
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