Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Good, The Bad, And The Fluffy

All things considered, it hasn't been a bad year for me.  It definitely hasn't been a good year, but looking at all the people who died from COVID-19, or lost loved ones to the disease, or lost their jobs during the quarantine, and so on... I feel like I got off easy.  Not scot free, mind you, as we did suffer tragedies of our own, but things could have been so much worse.

While some people had trouble making rent, we actually did better financially this year than we had in a while.  The stimulus checks certainly helped, but I think most of our success was just because we rarely left the house.  We managed to pay off a few credit cards, and now we have more money left over at the end of the month.  

But of course, life can't just let you get off that easy.  We recently found out that one of our cats has a dental condition called stomatitis, and she may need to have all her teeth removed.  The good news is that cats who have this done can live perfectly normal lives afterwards, and can often still eat solid food.  

The bad news is the price.  Apparently this procedure can cost up to $5000.  We might be able to get it done for $3500 if we drive to Knoxville for the procedure.  We are currently weighing our options, and seeing if there are cheaper dentists.  I've seen people online say they had it done for $1500, but they might live in cheaper states.

Someone in the family has suggested putting her down, but I'm not going to do that for an otherwise healthy, four year old cat.  So it's either come up with the money, or... well, I don't know.  But so much for paying off those credit cards.

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