Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Murphy’s Law in Action

My first job was at a toy store.  One time, a coworker and I were adding up the checks for the day.  I came across a surname I thought was unusual, “Elfrink.”  I showed the name to my coworker, mocking it a little.  She replied, “Hey!  That was my maiden name!”  Whoops.

That was nearly thirty years ago.  In three decades, I have yet to see the name Elfrink anywhere else.  But that’s my point.  It would be my luck to make fun of a name, to someone who happens to have that name.  Even if it’s the only two instances of that name I encounter in my entire life.

It's probably better just not to make fun of anyone's name.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Wanna hear something quirky. The couple that bought our first house had the last name of Elfrink