Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter! Now Go Wash Your Hands.

Best wishes to everyone today, whether you celebrate Easter or not.

That said, if you attend church in person today, you are not a Christian.  Yeah, yeah, I have no right to dictate the rules of your religion to you, yada yada yada... but there is no version of Christianity that would support the risks you're taking if you congregate in large groups right now.

A church is not a building.  A church is wherever people gather to worship, and that includes online.  There is no reason to risk spreading the disease by getting together.  You might be willing to take the risk, but it's not all about you.  Even if you don't have the virus yourself, your actions can help spread it.  Getting other people killed is not going to get you rewarded in the afterlife.

Stay home, wash your hands, and don't be an idiot.

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